Prisons with supermax facilitiesNorth American region
United States
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Most of these facilities only contain supermax wings or sections, with other parts of the facility under lesser security measures.
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Florida
- Georgia
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New York
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Pennsylvania
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Atlantic
- Nova Institution for Women—Atlantic Institution—Dorchester Penitentiary—Springhill Institution—Westmorland Institution --
- Quebec
- Archambault Institution—Cowansville Institution—Donnacona Institution—Drummond Institution—Federal Training Centre—Joliette Institution—La Macaza Institution—Leclerc Institution—Montée St.-François Institution—Port-Cartier Institution—Regional Reception Centre—Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines Institution --
- Ontario
- Grand Valley Institution for Women—Bath Institution—Beaver Creek Institution—Collins Bay Institution—Fenbrook Institution—Frontenac Institution—Isabel McNeil House—Joyceville Institution—Kingston Penitentiary—Millhaven Institution—Pittsburgh Institution—Regional Treatment Centre—Warkworth Institution—Prison for Women --
- Prairies
- Edmonton Institution for Women—Bowden Institution—Drumheller Institution—Edmonton Institution—Grande Cache Institution—Grierson Centre—Okimaw Ohci Healing Lodge—Pê Sâkâstêw—Regional Psychiatric Centre—Riverbend Institution—Rockwood Institution—Stony Mountain Institution—Saskatchewan Federal Penitentiary--
- Pacific
- Fraser Valley Institution for Women—Ferndale Institution—Kent Institution—Kwìkwèxwelhp Healing Lodge—Matsqui Institution—Mission Institution—Mountain Institution—Regional Health Centre—William Head Institution--
South America
Notable supermax inmates
- Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber
- Annanias Mathe, held in South Africa's C Max Prison in Pretoria for murder, rape, attempted murder and armed robbery. Also the only person to have escaped from this prison in its history.
- Dandeny Muñoz Mosquera, former chief assassin for the Medellín Cartel of Colombia
- Terry Nichols, conspirator in the Oklahoma City bombing
- Richard Reid, the "shoe bomber"
- Eric Robert Rudolph, abortion clinic and 1996 Centennial Olympic Park bomber
- Carlos Lehder, Colombian cocaine trafficker, a founding member of the Medellín Cartel
- Zacarias Moussaoui, the alleged "20th hijacker" in the September 11, 2001 attacks. Spared the death penalty when it was determined he was not directly involved in the 9/11 attacks.
- Ramzi Yusef, World Trade Center bomber
- Robert Hanssen, American FBI Agent turned Soviet spy
- Omar Abdel-Rahman, terrorist leader
- Sammy Gravano, "The Bull", notable Mafia leader
- John Walker Lindh, "American Taliban", incarcerated at the supermax prison for a short time, currently serving his sentence at the Federal Correctional Institution, Terre Haute at Terre Haute, Indiana. [8]
- Christopher Boyce, Soviet spy (now released)
- Larry Hoover, the leader of the Chicago-based Gangster Disciple Nation gang. On June 18, 1998, Hoover was convicted of participating in a continuing criminal enterprise and sentenced to six life terms, seven terms of 20 years, three four-year terms, and one five-year term under federal mandatory sentencing guidelines, with all sentences running concurrently and in addition to the 150-200-year sentence he received for his 1973 murder conviction.
- Jeff Fort, co-founder of the Black P. Stones gang, and founder of its El Rukn faction, and attempted terrorist for Libya [9]
- Kenneth McGriff, American drug trafficker and organized crime figure. Subject of the book "Queens Reign Supreme", and basis of the fictional characters Nino Brown in the 1991 film New Jack City and Majestic in Get Rich or Die Tryin'.
- David Ayala, Infamous leader of Chicago's Gangster Two Six street gang.
- Charles Bronson, United Kingdom: British bank robber & serial hostage taker. Has spent 26 years in Maximum-security solitary conditions. Received a life sentence in 2000 for a hostage taking incident, lasting over 40 hours in Hull Prison.
David Berkowitz, "The Son of Sam", serial killer